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Part 1 - The "How To" is Critical

Bring Leadership to Life

Actions Drive Results

The "Why" is important but to drive results in business you have to work hard on the “What” and “How”.

Results require action. If you want things to change, you need to act differently.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Albert Einstein

Effective leadership in business delivers results. Of course, the definition of results can be subjective, but you get the picture.

And for frontline leadership to be effective in delivering results it needs to be brought to life. Theory and concepts are valuable, but to actually make things happen you have to DO things: more, different, differently, more effectively, faster, slower… but do you must.

Bringing leadership to life requires a focus on the right actions – with the right frequency – to drive the business results you want.

In the thousands of hours of leadership and sales workshops I’ve run over the last decade, and continue to run, I work with leaders and their teams to help them break down the key actions they should take to the simplest elements.

Much has been written about the characteristics of successful leaders, but frontline leaders I work with often tell me that the real challenge they face is how to distil these teachings, effectively apply what they have learned and consistently deliver results focused frontline leadership.

The “Why” is important, but outcomes require understanding and application of the “What” and “How”.

To put this in perspective I present just three high-level leadership objectives. And then work with leaders on the behaviours and actions required to achieve each of their objectives.

With an understanding of what you are trying to achieve as a frontline leader, then identifying and focussing on the key actions required to bring each of these three areas to life, you are well equipped and better positioned to lead effectively.

Your team is like a family

Consider your team as you would a family (I’ll leave it to you to draw the appropriate boundaries here, and of course I’m not suggesting you treat your team members as children). At a high level a leader, just like a parent or child’s key person of influence, needs to work on the same things:


Each team member, like a family member, is different.

Understanding their differences and establishing your communication style and areas of focus, amongst other things specific to each, is critical in developing and building functional, effective and productive relationships.


Be the person you want your team members to be.

Walk the talk and be mindful of the impact and influence of your every behaviour and action.


Leaders need to drive and support a cohesive team dynamic.

While each team member needs their own individual attention and focus, regularly bringing the team together to build on the power of many, promote peer support and share best practice is essential.

Define your actions - What and How

While I have called out just three leadership objectives at this high level, it’s the specific behaviours and actions that each requires that will bring frontline leadership to life. Identifying these behaviours and actions, developing and refining them as critical leadership skills and consistently applying them as a dynamic operating rhythm is critical.

Have you considered what you should be doing to ensure you are bringing your leadership to life?

What key actions and behaviours should you be focusing on?

Interested to see comments and I invite your feedback.

If you would like to see what other frontline leaders see as their key action areas of focus read on to Part 2 - It's the ACTIONS that MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Have you considered what specific actions you should be taking to ensure you are bringing your leadership to life?

Interested to see your comments and I invite your feedback.


About the author

Greg Zimbulis has an extensive background in business development, leadership, and management across a broad range of industries. As a senior behavioural change specialist and consultant, Greg works as project director, business consultant, facilitator, coach and mentor with a wide range of organisations at all levels from frontline teams to C-level executives.

Greg works with leaders and their teams on all things that Bring Leadership to life.

He can be contacted at


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